It has never been easier to support the youth of LAUMC! Next time you're browsing Amazon, consider adding a few items to your cart from our wishlist! Items will be shipped directly to LAUMC. Show your …
UMCOR US Disaster Response & Recovery
California Wildfire - Your Help Is Needed! The Disaster Response Team from our California-Nevada Conference has been hard at work providing assistance to those impacted by the recent fires. …
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CJ Café Virtual Premiere Aug. 21
The Starfire Singers high school choir presents the world premiere of CJ Cafe: Building on Our Dreams (Quarantine Edition), an original musical by Dirk and Carol Damonte, on Friday, August 21, at …
Pitch-n-Partner Highlights Four Youth-Led Projects
LAUMC’s Team Possible and our consultants from Ministry Incubators hosted an online Pitch-n-Partner event on May 3 to introduce four youth-led teams and the projects they have developed. Each team …
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Pitch-n-Partner, May 3
All are invited to LAUMC’s very own version of a Silicon Valley pitchfest! On Sunday, May 3, 11:15am–1:00pm, our squads of youth and adult innovators—also known as Team Possible—will be pitching bold …
Pitchfest: Far-Out Youth’s Ministry Ideas
Update: Due to precautionary measures being taken to protect our community's health, the Pitchfest has been canceled. Please watch for updates on when it might be rescheduled. You are invited to …
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Thanksgiving Eve Service, Nov. 27
Thanksgiving Eve is one of the most heartwarming services of the year. On Wednesday, November 27, at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary, our two youth choirs, Lightshine and Starfire Singers, lead us in worship …
Celebrating Carol Damonte, Sept. 29
This month we will have a very special moment—don’t miss it! On Sunday, September 29, we will celebrate and honor and thank Carol Damonte, as she formally transitions from her role as Director of …
Youth’s Ministry September Update
The Youth’s Ministry Kick-Off Fiesta was an amazing success! More than 120 people came to the kick-off, and more than 65 youth stayed for the first meeting of Mosaic (high school youth group) and …