How can you create a sense of home that honors the best of where you come from and embraces the emerging challenges and opportunities of life in the 21st century? It’s tempting to mirror the default values of safety, security, self-focus, and material success that have characterized our culture. It’s easy to get stuck reacting to unhelpful patterns. But families at LAUMC want more than that—you want a life that flourishes. A one-size-fits-all approach won’t work. Now more than ever, families need a vision that is creative, intentional, soulful, and globally aware in order to thrive.

Mark and Lisa Scandrette, authors of Belonging and Becoming: Creating a Thriving Family Culture, will be at LAUMC on August 25. They will give the message at the morning services then lead an afternoon workshop on family thriving and purpose, held in the Creekside Center. Lunch will be served at 11:15am, at a cost of $10/adult, $5/child, or $25/family. The workshop will start at noon and end at 3:00pm. Much of the workshop will be kid-friendly, and childcare will also be available. Please register so that a spot at lunch and/or the workshop is saved for you!
Families come in all shapes and sizes. Whether you have children, hope to have children, parent solo or with a partner, are an empty nester, or love being a grandparent, your household can be a place of belonging and becoming, where each person feels safe, cared for, loved, and supported to develop who they are for the good of the world. This is open to anyone who desires to live a life that flourishes. Invite your friends and family, regardless of their history with family and faith.
“Whatever your family experience has been, it’s not the end of the story. Families can grow and change, and we have a lifetime to seek healing and embrace wholeness in our family relationships” (Belonging and Becoming, p. 14).