Baptism is grounded in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It involves dying to sin, newness of life, union with Christ, receiving the Holy Spirit, and incorporation into Christ’s Church.
At Los Altos United Methodist Church, we baptize infants and children under 12 when their parents are willing to make a confession of faith on the child’s behalf. At 12 years of age, a child may take our Confirmation course offered annually each spring. For those over the age of 12 years seeking baptism, we set up a meeting with a pastor to discuss the process and vows. Membership is not a requirement of baptism.
Baptisms are always done in one of our public Sunday worship services on the third, fourth, or fifth Sunday of the month. In the United Methodist Church we usually baptize with the pastor’s hand dipped in a font of water and then placed upon the initiate’s head. Upon special request, a baptism may be poured or by immersion. In our church we consider all forms of baptism valid. To schedule a baptism or baptismal appointment with one of our pastors, please call the church office at 650-948-1083, ext. 100.