Front Porch
Neighboring Dinners are an opportunity to connect with people amid our busy lives. We gather, share what we are grateful for and what feels challenging, share a meal, have authentic conversation over dinner, and hear encouragement for engaging in the Sacred Act of Neighboring throughout the week.
We hope you’ll join us soon!

About Front Porch
Front Porch is a new faith community in downtown Mountain View. We’re doing church differently. In fact, we’re cultivating a space for people who aren’t really in to church. We think that God is working for good in our neighborhoods—in the beauty, in the midst of the brokenness, and in everything in between.
This is a group of people gathered to engage in the Sacred Act of Neighboring—cultivating authentic relationships and reaching out to our neighbors in acts of love. Believers and skeptics, omnivores and vegetarians, queer and straight, we gather together to make the word neighbor a verb.

Ministry Title
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Ministry Title
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Ministry Title
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