Hope’s Corner, located at the corner of Hope and Mercy Streets in Mountain View, serves free breakfasts, bag lunches, and offers showers.
What Hope’s Corner does. Hope’s Corner is addressing these needs every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday by serving a nutritious breakfast and providing a bag lunch for each person to take to go. The number of people coming to the meal service has grown from a few dozen in the beginning in 2011 to over 1,700 individuals served in 2023. Hope’s Corner served over 43,000 meals in 2023, reaching a cumulative total of 216,559 meals by the end of 2023. In addition to the meal program, Hope’s Corner offers free showers and laundry every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday to unhoused people. Besides food and showers, Hope’s Corner provides haircuts, bicycle service, personal devise charging station, health resources, emergency clothing and inclement weather supplies. Hope’s Corner is a place for people to feel welcomed and build community. Learn more about Hope’s Corner at www.hopes-corner.org.
LAUMC Involvement
Hope’s Corner began as a joint ministry of Mountain View Trinity and Los Altos United Methodist Churches. Hope’s Corner received 501(c)(3) nonprofit status in 2015. Los Altos United Methodist Church (LAUMC) continues to be very much involved in Hope’s Corner by providing use of its Creekside commercial kitchen to prepare food, a food storage area and the support of many LAUMC volunteers and groups.
Help Hope’s Corner, Inc. make a difference in our community.