Social Justice Ministry provides opportunities and resources to study root causes of human suffering in the community and around the world — including unjust systems.
We try to identify changes needed and advocate for those changes, working toward long-term solutions.
We are exploring issues of Fair Trade, Hunger, Poverty, Moral Budgets, Nonviolence, and Human Rights.
We are a ministry formed to help LAUMC fulfill its mission to be:
A church doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with God.
from Micah 6:6-8
Study the issues—
- Take a JustFAITH class for an intensive “journey into compassion” in community, and for deeper understanding of social mission from Scripture.
- Regularly visit our Social Justice Ministry Newsfeed.
- Subscribe to our Social Justice Ministry email list (by emailing the church office).
- Explore websites and newsletters of organizations studying the issues.
- Come to a film, discussion or other event.
Advocate for Change
- Exercise your purchase power! Request and buy Fair Trade products — look for their logo.
- Write legislators; attend a meeting or vigil; or join in an action such as an “offering of letters” or cards to Congress.
- Contact us for more information.
“It’s not enough for us to enjoy the privileges and prosperity of our life in Silicon Valley. We are not comfortable knowing that one in four children in California live in poverty, or that thousands of children will die every day of hunger and malnutrition-related diseases around the world … we insist that God’s grace and possibility can save the broken world in which we live. We yearn for a marriage of personal spirituality and social responsibility in our lives.” —Mark S. Bollwinkel, senior pastor emeritus