We invite you to consider having your wedding ceremony at Los Altos United Methodist Church. Marriage is one of the most important events in your lives, and we want to help make your wedding day a special time of joy and commitment.
We assume Christian values in marriage but impose no tests of belief or membership of any kind. We open our Sanctuary to bless, perform, and affirm marriage and commitment covenants that are expressed in love, mutual support, personal commitment, and shared fidelity, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. Any couple ready to make a serious commitment in love to each other is welcome to have their wedding here.
Please contact our wedding coordinator for reservations and information about our current fee schedule. Fees include the services of our wedding team (hostess, audio tech, and custodian) and the use of the building and grounds for a 1-hour rehearsal and 3 hours on the wedding day. You will be asked to complete an application and make a deposit to confirm your reservation.
Email [email protected] for more information.