UMCOR Disaster Relief
Throughout the year, you can contribute to the disaster relief in the U.S., Taiwan, Turkey, Central America, South America and elsewhere through UMCOR, United Methodist Committee on Relief.
During the year, emergency requests are made to meet the needs of unexpected or emergency situations. There are several ways to contribute to disaster relief through UMCOR.
- Use the UMCOR Emergency Offering envelopes found in the Sanctuary; make your check out to Los Altos UMC and write “Disaster Relief” in the memo line
- Drop off your cash donation at the church office.
- Visit the UMCOR webpage and donate online.
100% of all donations go toward helping people affected by tragedies.
Outreach Connection
Designated fund is different from month to month. Outreach focus will be announced during services, in bulletins and in newsletters.
Advent Generosity
LAUMC has an Advent tradition of raising funds for three beneficiaries who work to build Jesus’ beloved community. This year, our three Advent Generosity beneficiaries are:
Compassion Week; The Salinas United Methodist Church Kitchen Project; and The Al Basma Center that supports persons with developmental disabilities in Bethlehem (funds for a new van).