"What can I or my kids do?" "What is the church doing?" In theses challenging times of sheltering in place, many of you are asking our Bold Service and Social Justice Team for suggestions regarding …
Mountain View Winter Shelter Update
In this time when there's so much hardship we can't do anything about, it seems particularly imperative for us to do the things we can do. As you know, a nighttime winter shelter for women …
Walk Alongside an Immigrant Family
You have an opportunity to help form a new Accompaniment Team, matching with a new immigrant family to walk alongside and provide the support the family members need on their immigration journey. Each …
You Are My Beloved Child Memorial
As humans we are drawn to stories. We react to the story of a real person very differently than we react to facts and statistics. A story enables us to make a connection and build compassion for that …
Outreach Connection: Habitat for Humanity, Feb. 9
This month’s featured Outreach Connection agency is Habitat for Humanity East Bay/Silicon Valley. On February 9 in worship, Faith Partnerships Manager Karen Hernandez will speak about Habitat’s …
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The Gift of a Cup of Coffee
Would you share your smiles and good will with early churchgoers by joining the Early Java Joy team? There are open positions to help host the 8:00am coffee hour on Sundays. It is an easy task that is …
Dinner Serving Opportunities
The Bold Service and Social Justice team has arranged several opportunities for congregants to prepare and serve dinner to unhoused members of our community, either at the winter shelter at the …
Interfaith Vigil for Gun Violence, Dec. 14
All are invited to a vigil cosponsored by LAUMC on the anniversary of the Sandy Hook tragedy. The vigil will be held on Saturday, December 14, 4:00–5:30pm, at Lytton Plaza in Palo Alto. The program …
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Christmas Angels Needed
You are invited to be an angel for a day this Christmas! LAUMC’s Christmas Angels pick up the flowers that have graced the Sanctuary on Christmas Eve and deliver them on December 25 or 26 to those who …