Our congregation is posting thank-you notes each month to highlight some underappreciated volunteers (and staff). In February, we were thankful for:
Harvey Dixon’s 44 years of singing in Chancel Choir
Wayne and Judy Hooper, Joan Pampeyan, and Elaine Calk for more than 15 years (and counting) of being pew stewards
Tech ministry volunteers who add to our worship experience and help reach out to those who can’t worship with us in person. AND, for the Tech mentors who patiently train the next generation.
Margie Gong’s leadership
God is making a changemaker out of me!
Music that brings joy into this space every service
Bill Golden’s wonderful leadership of Morning Glory choir
Our pastors
Pam and Bill Milam for warming us each Sunday with their smiles and warm tea and coffee
Fred Mayo—he stopped what he was doing and let us into the Sanctuary
Shulamit for her beautiful music
Harold Caudle for everything he does to keep our LAUMC “House” running so well
Our beautiful campus and the maintenance crew and volunteers who make it so. I never see a weed!
Do you see someone who needs thanks? Add a note to the Gratitude Board—there’s one in the Sanctuary entry and another in the Creekside lobby.