September 2022 – Zoom Info Meeting Monday, January 17 at 7:00pm
Travel to the Holy Land. Meet the pioneers of a better future. Imagine walking through the cobble-stone streets of Jerusalem. Or sailing on the Sea of Galilee and sharing a sabbath meal with Jewish Israelis. Imagine learning traditional Palestinian dance with refugee youth and listening to the stories of Israeli and Palestinian parents who have had to bury their children due to the conflict. Imagine meeting with the grassroots leaders of social change, who are trying to guide their societies to a freer and more peaceful future. LAUMC’s very own Michael McRay (husband of Brittany) can offer you the chance to experience all of this. Michael is leading a tour to the Holy Land in September 2022, and LAUMC will be given priority for registration. If you are curious to hear more about this remarkable trip, join us January 17th on Zoom for an informational session.. Click Zoom to join the meeting. Meeting ID: 819 3135 6011 Passcode: 560024