Dear LAUMC Family,
For my first nine sermons at LAUMC I have been sharing my core theology and the key scriptures my core theology is based upon. In last Sunday’s Sermon: “A Reconciling Church . . . A Reconciling Me?” I summarized three of those nine sermons to provide my most basic understanding of God and our relationship with God as followers of Jesus, and how that fits with my understanding of what it means to be a Reconciling Church that embraces all persons into full participation in the life of the congregation regardless of age, sex, racial or ethnic background, sexual orientation, marriage status, or physical or mental condition . . . because all persons are children of God and we welcome ALL. (from LAUMC’s statement on being a Reconciling Church). It is a wee bit longer than I wanted it to be, but it fairly concisely covers a lot of ground.
Pastor Dave
Below is a link to the sermon and the four key theological convictions: