"What can I or my kids do?" "What is the church doing?" In theses challenging times of sheltering in place, many of you are asking our Bold Service and Social Justice Team for suggestions regarding …
The Gift of a Cup of Coffee
Would you share your smiles and good will with early churchgoers by joining the Early Java Joy team? There are open positions to help host the 8:00am coffee hour on Sundays. It is an easy task that is …
Congregational Care Ministry Seminar, March 13–14
Congregational Care is critical in every local church, and no one person can address all the hurt of a congregation or community. LAUMC’s Congregational Care team is sponsoring a comprehensive two-day …
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Little Hands, Big Hearts Christmas Craft Faire, Dec. 8
LAUMC's Children's Ministries and the Children’s Center Preschool will be hosting a craft-making faire on Sunday, December 8, at 11:15am in the Children's Center. If you remember Creekside Christmas …
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Change for Change, Sept. 22
The New Covenant Choir invites everyone to participate in its annual “Change for Change” collection. Bring your spare change to church on Sunday, September 22, and drop it in the collection bucket in …
Children’s Community Sunday, May 5
You are invited to a “Little Hands/Big Hearts” Children’s Community Sunday on May 5, 11:15am–12:45pm, to work side by side with children in hands-on service activities focusing on helping soldiers. …
Puerto Rico Hurricane Recovery Trip, Feb. 2019
Hurricane Maria, one of the most powerful hurricanes in history, devastated the island of Puerto Rico in 2017. Puerto Rico’s residents continue to face a long and challenging recovery. Any interested …
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Rebuilding Together Team, Oct. 27
In partnership with the community, Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley rehabilitates the homes of low-income homeowners so that they may live in warmth, safety and independence. Rebuilding Together …
California Fire Recovery Trip, Oct. 28
The 2015 Valley Fire killed four people, burned 76,000 acres, and destroyed 1,300 homes. Hope City, affiliated with the Hope Crisis Response Network, was created by several local churches to …
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