As a leader, do you have the occasional feeling that there is neither enough time in the day nor energy in your body to do this work as well as you would like to do it? As LAUMC begins a new fall season, there is an opportunity to come together for an infusion of energy and enrichment. John Pavlovitz, the author of A Bigger Table, will do a special workshop specifically designed for LAUMC leaders on Saturday, August 18, 9:00am–12:00pm in Creekside.
John will lead a conversation about how people committed to justice and compassion might attend to the world’s needs without becoming overwhelmed and consumed. He’ll ask: How do we avoid becoming martyrs of our own hearts? How can we hold the needs of this world without damaging our spirits? What do we do when we’ve exhausted our resources?
Whatever part of the church’s work you’re involved in, John’s presentation will have value for your leadership—and no doubt in other parts of your life, too. There will be time to engage with others, but mostly, this is for you—an invitation to strengthen your spirit and renew your connection with the Holy, as LAUMC begins again. If you can participate, please register using the link below so that we can arrange sufficient seating and breakfast pastries for you.