Updated April 1: Please read through the service descriptions below, as some of the times have changed. Links to the livestream to watch each service are included.
The ways in which we spend the days leading up to Easter, and Easter Sunday itself, will look a little different this year. We will miss gathering together to experience the symbolism of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and the joyous celebration of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter. But we believe the services of Holy Week speak to us even in this time of sheltering in place. Perhaps you have seen the jokes circulating about the disciples gathering in the “Upper Zoom” or Mary and the resurrected Jesus practicing social distancing.
You are invited to walk through Holy Week in a new way this year, both with LAUMC and with the California-Nevada Annual Conference. May these services bring you meaning, comfort, and hope.
Holy Week services commemorate Jesus’ life, death on the cross, and resurrection on Easter. Join Jesus in his triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, his last gathering with his disciples on Maundy Thursday, his sacrifice and sorrow on Good Friday, his time of waiting on Holy Saturday, and his astonishing resurrection on Easter Sunday. As you journey through Holy Week with LAUMC, may you discover a richer, more joy-filled Easter.
Palm Sunday – April 5, 8:30am, 10:00am, & 5:00pm
Celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. This livestream service will feature a special celebration video featuring photos and videos from the congregation waving palms at home.
Maundy Thursday – April 9, 7:00pm
Led by Pastor Dirk Damonte and Pastor Jeong Park, this special livestream service is not to be missed.
Good Friday – April 10
At noon, Bishop Minerva Carcaño and Conference Lay Leader Micheal Pope will lead a Good Friday Memorial Service on the California-Nevada Annual Conference’s Facebook page. The 30-minute service will commemorate the lives of those who have succombed to complications from COVID-19.
At 7:00pm, LAUMC’s Senior Pastor Kathi McShane will lead a meaningful livestream service.
(There will be no Easter Vigil service this year.)
Easter Sunday – April 12
Sunrise Service – 6:30am
Pastor Dirk Damonte will lead this special service on Facebook Live.
Another option is the 6:15am Sunrise Service led by Bishop Minerva Carcaño on the California-Nevada Annual Conference Facebook page.
Traditional Services – 8:30am, 10:00am, & 5:00pm
Celebrate Easter on our livestream page at our regular Sunday service times.