UPDATE (9/30/22):
LAUMC Family,
As all of us know, navigating this pandemic has been an all-consuming task over the last two and a half years for each of us individually, as families, and collectively as a church.
Since Santa Clara County removed the mask requirement March 2nd, 2022, churches have gradually moved to masks being optional. As new Covid infections have dropped over the last two months, many of you have asked when masks would become optional for us.
Through the month of September, we have looked at the best practices to move from masks being required to masks being optional, and we have developed a way forward that we hope and pray works well for the entire church.
We will continue to encourage the use of masks; however, wearing a mask will no longer be a requirement beginning this Sunday, October 2nd. To minimize risk we will be circulating outside air through the sanctuary. Yes, you will see multiple fans and hear their faint buzz; however, you will also feel a gentle breeze as we seek to replicate being outdoors. We will also provide outdoor seating on the south side of the sanctuary, immediately outside the glass doors that will be completely opened.
To best accommodate your individual needs, you are welcome to contact either of us to answer your questions. You might also want to come 10 – 15 minutes before the start of worship to see the new safety measures we are putting in place and find out how they may serve you.
In addition, the 8:30 a.m. worship service is much smaller in attendance and affords greater social distancing options.
Finally, our livestreams for all three of our services will continue to provide a zero-risk means of sharing in the worshipping life of LAUMC.
As always, the choice you make regarding your individual well-being is personal and we support everyone doing what is best for themselves and their families.
In this together,
Pastor Dave Samelson Kristi Blewis
Senior Pastor Director of Facilities
(707) 834-9958 (650) 948-1083 #129