Nothing is more nerve-wracking than being the first one to step out in faith and risk something big. The good news is, as Christians, we come from a long line of risk-takers and changemakers who chose faith over fear in their efforts to build God’s kingdom on earth. This month at LAUMC, we’ll be hearing all about the Changemaker Initiative, along with some inspiring stories from the earliest apostles who risked everything to answer God’s call. It’s the perfect time for all of us to consider again what God is calling us to risk, in order that we might make a positive change in our world.
Pick up discussion questions and a commitment card at church. We hope that you’ll engage with the questions about the spiritual practice of giving—at home, in small groups, and at Conversational Church. These conversations are designed to prepare our minds and hearts for Commitment Sunday. On May 6, we ask that you bring your completed commitment card to worship as you declare, “Count Me In!” (You may pledge online instead, if you prefer.)
If we truly desire to become a changemaker church, and if we truly desire to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, the church needs OUR financial support to realize those dreams. The Extravagant Generosity team and many other church leaders have already said “Count Me In,” and we look forward to leading our community through this season of conversations and commitments. We hope you’ll follow suit so that, together, we can continue the legacy of love, grace, and compassion that began so long ago.