LAUMC staff has created a brand-new project: creativity journals to be used through the season of Advent. Our Advent theme this year is “Awestruck,” referencing the reactions to Jesus’ birth in the Gospel as well as our own reactions to everyday miracles. Exercise your sense of wonder, to practice being awestruck, so that when Christmas comes, your mind and heart are wide open to the best gift the world has ever received: God coming to live among us. Hands-on daily projects invite and challenge us to search for God’s miracles through the four weeks of Advent.
Journals are available not just for the congregation but also for purchase as gifts for friends and family. Advent Journals are available for purchase at $5 each!
Can’t pick it up yourself?
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. You can purchase your Journal (or more) and have them shipped to you, friends, and family. For shipping information please check the box below and we will get in contact with you.
Advent Journals will also be available on Amazon soon for $9.99 each. More information to follow.
To ensure we have sufficient copies available, please let us know if you plan to purchase copies by submitting the form below.