Sunday, June 27, 2021 – 8:30am, 10:00am & 5:00pm / 10:00am In-person

On Sunday, June 27, all of LAUMC’s worship services – online and in-person – will be gathering to remember the people we have lost since the beginning of the pandemic. These are not only people who died directly because of the virus but all members of our community who have died since March 2020. Many of those deaths, of people dear to us, we were not able to mourn together. If you are attending our in-person worship on June 27, you are invited to bring a photograph of a person whose memory you would like to include in our service. If you are unable to attend, you may send a name and digital photo via email below, and we will be sure to include you in our prayers. This is part of this congregation’s important work in this time: to gather around our losses too, as we begin our new life together.