Trip: April 5 – April 10, 2025
The Trip in a Nutshell:
The purpose of our house-building trip to Mexico is two-fold: (1) to provide a basic home according to the standards and needs of the village in which we work, and (2) to build a community of love within our team and with the Mexican families who work with us for the week.
We sleep in tents pitched in a basic campground operated by AMOR Ministries, work full days in the Mexican sun, rain or wind and shower with water warmed only by the sun. This trip will change your life as you get to know and fall in love with the people of Mexico who live in these conditions every day. We are guests in Mexico; although we have much to give, we also have much to receive from these inspiring and loving people.
We will work with AMOR Ministries, who have been operating in Mexico since 1980. The AMOR house we will build is a simple wood-frame/stucco structure that requires no power tools – so that everyone on the team can do just about any task. No previous construction experience or skills are necessary. The trip is open to ages 5 and older.
Team Spirit:
Throughout the week we work in teams to build, to provide an educational and mission experience for everyone, and to meet the community needs of our group (e.g., transportation, food, shelter, and worship). Each person will sign up to help with specific tasks. Flexibility is our key word!
Our children will participate in age-appropriate work-site tasks, craft projects designed for use in the homes we build, and play adventures with the village children. Integrating our children into the experience requires the support of all adults. Parents retain responsibility for their children at all times.
Estimated Costs:
The cost of the trip includes all expenses, including the cost of the building materials. You will need to carry additional cash for meals in California and any shopping you might do in California or Mexico. The cost of the trip is $500 for each participant 10 and over on the first day of the trip and $350 for each participant under 10.
Do not let money stand in the way of your participation! Ask Leslie Carmichael (see contact information below) about available mission scholarships for LAUMC participants.
Sign up for the 2025 Mexico trip by clicking here!
Leslie Carmichael at [email protected] or 650 468-7890
Pastor Dave Samelson at [email protected] or 650-948-1083 x113